If you sell anything at all on eBay, you know things have been a-changin‘.
Sellers are becoming desparately frustrated; and to make matters worse, Buyers are left totally in the dark about the process in general AND the on-going chaos Sellers keep having to adjust, pivot, backflip—basically Par-Core their way through their small business🥵 😆.
stress on the rise
I want to get into this more, and absolutely will next time I’m on:
—I want to let eBay Buyers take a look under the hood of the eBay selling operation. For Instance, Do You Know How Important Receiving Feedback Is!?!
I know the answer is no, because 1) it is almost never left, and 2) I HAD NO IDEA until I became a seller!
Now I leave feedback for Everyone I purchase from, and Everyone I sell to. For Today:
Please Leave Feedback. Positive if you can. 5 stars if you can. For All of your transactions that go well.
Stay En Amour 😍 I love you all! Je vous aimes tous! J’aimes tout le monde 🙏.
this IS the forum, so if anybody wants to hop in–i think this is a great topic: eBay, the new online selling world in general. The first and still only time i felt compelled to say something; and the responses from fellow sellers (another great piece of fuel for the forum)
New eBay Losing It’s Charm. Impossible to Compete or Succeed. The Only Hope might be Our Help